Encoder Configuration
Configuration of the encoder is done on the Encoder page in the configuration app, which can be accessed through the either the standalone configuration or the live configuration.
On the first tab, the server connections are managed. See the Connections section for the list of supported connection types and their configuration.
The second tab contains general settings and options for the encoder.
The following settings can be made:
- Sample rate: This is the sample rate that the internal mixer of the encoder component runs at. All audio fed into the encoder module will be resampled to this rate. It will also be used as the default sample rate for all outgoing streams, unless a different sample rate is configured in the connection properties. Note that you must restart the playout when you make any changes here.
- Ducking level and speed: These options refer to the Duck player volume while microphone is active option below. Specify the attenuation of the ducking, and the duration of the fade.
- High priority fade length: When audio is played to the High Priority encoder input, all other inputs will be faded out and then muted, and later faded in again. Specify the duration of those fades here.
- Silence detection level:
This is the level below which the signal is regarded as “silence”. It is only used
for the
scripting method. For regular silence detection with configurable actions, use the Silence Detector DSP plugin.
Moreover, the following options are available:
- Connect/disconnect encoder when switching ON AIR mode: If enabled, the encoder master switch will be controlled by the system ON AIR status. When the instance is switched to ON AIR mode, the encoder will be set to “Connected”. When you switch back to OFF AIR, the encoder will be set to “Disconnected”. Note that this is only unidirectional; for controlling the ON AIR status from the encoder master switch, the option Switch ON AIR mode when connecting/disconnecting encoder must be enabled as well.
- Switch ON AIR mode when connecting/disconnecting encoder: This is the reverse of the Connect/disconnect encoder when switching ON AIR mode option above. When enabled, toggling the encoder master switch will also toggle the system ON AIR status.
- Duck player volume while microphone is active: If enabled, the volume of all player inputs will be ducked while the MIC input is enabled, according to the settings above.
- Line input is high priority: If enabled, the LINE input will work similar to the High Priority player input, i.e. it will mute all other inputs when it is active.
- Filter microphone signal from local playback: If enabled, the signal sent to the main encoder output (Encoder Playback Device in the Audio Routing) will not include the MIC signal, i.e. it will be a mix of the player and LINE/AUX inputs only. Note: This signal will always be Pre-DSP.
- Local playback is pre-DSP: If enabled, the signal sent to the main encoder output will be the master bus, but before any of the sound processing takes place. This option has no effect if Filter microphone signal from local playback is turned on as well.
- Mute local output during PFL: If enabled, the encoder main output will be muted while any PFL is active.
Sound Processing
The encoder provides several ways to add sound processing to the audio. See the Sound Processing chapter for a list of supported (built-in or external) DSP plugins and their configuration.
The following DSP chains are available:
- Master bus – this is the place where you usually add DSPs that should be applied to your outgoing on air signal.
- Player inputs
- Player Input
- Player Input 2
- Player Input 3
- Player Input 4
- High Priority Input
- Live inputs
- Mic Input
- Line Input
- Aux Input
Note that you can also add sound processing on connection level. This can be used as an alternative to the Master bus DSP chain, in situations where you only want to have DSP on some but not all connections.