
This configuration page contains the settings related to the cartwall.


To enable the cartwall, the Enable Cartwall box must be checked.

Grid Size

Audio items in the cartwall are arranged in a grid, and each field of the grid serves as a (virtual) cart player – although you can resize individual items so that they span multiple fields in the grid.

The grid size can be adjusted freely. The resulting number of players is the grid with multiplied by the grid height.


The following settings can be made:

  • Numbering: The fields in the cartwall grid can be numbered in one of the following ways:

    • None: No numbers will be used. This will also disable any CARTWALL <index> ... remote control commands, as well as cart player state feedback for remote control interfaces that support it (e.g. D&R Airlite).
    • Left to right: First row of fields has numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.; then numbering continues with the second row, and so on.
    • Left to right (occupied positions only): Same as Left to right, but only those fields that actually contain an item receive a number, empty fields are skipped.
    • Top to bottom: First column of fields has numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.; then numbering continues with the second column, and so on.
    • Top to bottom (occupied positions only): Same as Top to bottom, but only those fields that actually contain an item receive a number, empty fields are skipped.

    When a cart player is resized so that it spans multiple fields in the grid, its number will be the one of the top left field it occupies.

  • Start in mode: The cartwall operates in one of the modes ON, OFF or PFL at any time, which are toggled through remote control commands (CARTWALL MODE ...) or the buttons in the cartwall toolbar. Set the desired mode at program startup here.

  • EOF warning: Specify the number of seconds before EOF when a player should stat flashing and trigger the OnCartwallPlayerEOFWarning procedure in background scripts.

  • Fade duration: Enter the duration, in seconds, that the audio should fade out when a FADEOUT command is issued. The value 0 means that the default fade duration from the Misc. Settings page will be used.

  • Time format and Ramp format: You can adjust the time format strings used for the playback position and ramp countdown here.

Position and Window Options

The cartwall can either be displayed as part of the main window – in which case it will be located below the playlist(s) – or in a separate window.

If you choose to use a separate window for the cartwall, that window can either remember its last position when you restart the software, or mAirList can always maximize it on a particular monitor in multi-screen setups. The Identify Monitors button will help you to identify which monitor is Monitor 1 etc.

Additionally, the follwing options are available:

  • Always on top: If enabled, and a separate window is used for the cartwall, that windows will always be displayed on top of all other windows.
  • Remember window position and size: This should be checked if the position set to Separate window - restore last position, so that mAirList records the current window position when you exit the software.
  • Show Cartwall button in toolbar: If checked, a Cartwall button will be added to the main toolbar of the playout window. Click that button to hide/show the cartwall (for “embedded into main window” mode), or to open the cartwall window and bring it to front (for “separate window” mode).


The Options page contains several tabs with options related to the cartwall.


  • Include in logging: If enabled, items played from the cartwall will be injected into the logging subsystem.
  • Always show grid: If checked, the grid will always be displayed, even if there are no open tabs.
  • Always show cart numbers in grid: If checked, the field numbers in the grid will be displayed all the time, even for empty fields. The Always show grid option must be enabled as well.
  • Show ON button in toolbar: Uncheck to hide the ON button (that toggles between ON and OFF mode) from the cartwall toolbar.
  • Show PFL button in toolbar: Uncheck to hide the PFL button from the cartwall toolbar.
  • Show artist: If enabled, the artist of each item will be displayed in the cart players along with the title; otherwise only the title.
  • Show ramp: If enabled, the duration label will turn into a ramp countdown while the ramp part of the item is playing.
  • Show ramp when idle: If enabled, the ramp countdown will already be displayed in Loaded state, not only after playback was started.
  • Show only nearest ramp: If enabled, only the next ramp marker from the current playback position (for items with more than one ramp set) will be considered in the countdown.
  • Show icon instead of title when available: If enabled, and an icon is set for the item in its Properties dialog, the icon will be displayed instead of the title.
  • Show volume slider: If enabled, a volume slider will be displayed in each individual cart player.
  • Flash during EOF warning: If enabled, cart players will flash during the last few seconds of playback (see EOF warning setting on the General page).
  • Show save confirmation: If checked, a confirmation dialog will appear when you close a tab that has unsaved changes.
  • Ask for confirmation when closing pages: If checked, a confirmation dialog will appear when you close any changed or unchanged tab.
  • Prevent leaving ON mode when players are active: If you uncheck this option, ON mode can be canceled at any time (switching to OFF or PFL mode), and all cart players will stop playing as you do so.
  • Prevent leaving PFL mode when players are active: If you uncheck this option, PFL mode can be canceled at any time (switching to ON or OFF mode), and all cart players will stop playing as you do so.
  • Automatically switch to ON mode when player is started in OFF mode: When this option is enabled, the cartwall will process remote control start commands and mouse clicks even in OFF mode, and switch to ON mode automatically before it starts playing.
  • Ignore mouse clicks: By checking this option, you can prevent cart players reacting to mouse clicks. This is for situations where the cartwall should only be controlled by remote control commands.
  • Allow dragging of items to playlist: If enabled, you can drag items from the cartwall to the playlist with the mouse. Starting and stopping cart players with the mouse will not work anymore.
  • Only one cart per column can be selected: This option constraints the CARTWALL <number> SELECT command to one cart per column; if you select another cart from the same column, the first one is unchecked automatically.
  • Selection per column is locked while cart is playing: If enabled, carts cannot be selected or unselected while they are playing.
  • Auto-reload Favorites: Check this option to re-scan the folders set up in on the Favorites page (see below) every time you open the Favorites menu.

Progress Bar

The options on this tab control the progress bar displayed in the cart players. See the Common Settings section for a description of the available options.


These options refer to the waveform display in the cartwall toolbar. See the Common Settings section for a description of the various options.


These options refer to the peakmeter in the cart players. See the Common Settings section for a description.


On this page, you can register one or more files and folders that should be presented in the favorites menu that appears when you click the button with the heart icon in the cartwall toolbar. The button will only appear where there is at least one file/folder registered here.

The following items are supported:

  • Cartwall Page files (*.mcp)
  • Cartwall Set files (*.mlc, from earlier version)
  • Folders – they will be recursively scanned for *.mcp and *.mlc files in them.